We are pleased to announce the results of the First Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2014. The Contest was organized by the Russian Digital Radio Club in order to unite HAMs on one platform to contest on CW, PSK, RTTY, SSB modes and to enable them to exchange experience, strategy and tactics of work on various modes of radio communication, to raise the skill and to define the best radio sportsmen. We thank all colleagues who have supported this idea! The number of received reports confirms that the competition was successfully held. The Contest Committee has checked 863 reports of participants from 72 Russian areas and 68 countries DXCC: 4L, 4X, 5B, 9A, 9M2, A6, A7, A9, BY, CM, CT, CU, D2, DL, DU, E7, EA, EA9, EI, ER, ES, EU, EY, F, G, GM, HA, HB, HS, HZ, I, JA, JT, K, LA, LU, LY, LZ, OE, OH, OK, OM, ON, OZ, P4, PA, PY, R, R2F, R9, S5, SM, SP, SV, SV9, TA, UK, UN, UR, VE, VK, VU, YB, YL, YO, YU, Z3 and ZD8. We congratulate the winners and prizewinners with well-earned achievements and we wish them to continue to improve radio equipment and antennas, skills of the work in contests and win in uncompromising struggle in our next competitions. You can see the Results of contest and UBN-official reports on RDRC site in Russian WW MultiMode section.
The certificates were raffled as well as the prizes and the other awards founded by Russian Amateur Radio Union (SRR), Radioclub "Dolphins", Club of Certified Amateur (KDR) and of cause Russian Digital Radio Club (RDRC). We are grateful to R3BB, R3HH, R7JA, RA3QH, RA4UDC, RA5DU, RK3DSW, RK6AX, RU6UR, RV3DA, RV3DGL, RW3QM for active help in the organization of the contest.
We have prepared more than 700 contest certificates of three kinds - for the winners in subgroups on the continents, in countries and Russian regions, as well as for all other participants who have spent more than 100 confirmed contacts. Nominal certificates will be awarded all young participants and youth in the age of under 20 years. Certificates will be dispatch in electronic form in the first decade of January, 2015. The prizes will be sent by their founders to winners in postal parcels on the addresses specified in reports. See samples of certificates, photos of prizes and List of winners of these awards in details:
Plaque from the SRR it is awarded
the winner in subgroup SOAB BPSK-CW-RTTY-SSB Damir Galiulin, RK9AX with result of 816 QSOs and 2.512.785 points |
Cups from the Russian Digital Radio Club award winners in subgroups: MOAB BPSK-CW-RTTY-SSB Gosho Vodenicharov and Krasimir Ivanov, LZ6C - 872 QSOs and 2.250.360 points SOAB BPSK-CW-RTTY Victor Ivanov, YL5X - 970 QSOs and 2.329.164 points SOAB BPSK-RTTY-SSB Dmitry Sokolov, RX1CQ - 714 QSOs and 990.000 points SOAB BPSK-CW Vladimir Suprunov, UR7MZ - 676 QSOs and 1.191.680 points SOAB BPSK-RTTY Victor Lokker, RA9AU - 665 QSOs and 1.514.326 points SOAB BPSK-SSB Fuat Galiulin, RA9AEA - 257 QSOs and 245.196 points SOAB RTTY-SSB Oleg Biryukov, RW7M - 290 QSOs and 189.919 points SOAB CW-RTTY Yuri Loparev, UN6P - 802 QSOs and 2.218.626 points |
From a Radio Club "Dolphins" is awarded with a prize the winner in subgroup SOAB CW-RTTY-SSB
Alexander Demko, R6DA 728 QSOs and 984.684 points |
The prize from Radio Club KDR the winner in subgroup SOAB CW-SSB
Nickolay Pogrebnyak, UN3M 591 QSOs and 979.684 points |
The lottery among all Russian participants of contest is lead and the additional prize is played
Portable radiostation Baofeng UV-5R has won Tony Lauhin, RC3C
The certificate of the WINNER: - For 1 place in subgroups; - For 1 place on continents in each subgroup, under condition of not less than 3 participants from continent; - For 1 place in each country DXCC (except for Russia) in each of subgroups, under condition of not less than 3 participants from the country; - For 1 place in each Federal districts of Russia in each of subgroups, under condition of not less than 3 participants from Federal districts |
The certificate of the PRIZEWINNER: - For 2 and 3 place in subgroups; - For 2 and 3 place on continents in each subgroup, under condition of not less than 5 participants from continent; - For 2 and 3 place in each country DXCC (except for Russia) in each of subgroups, under condition of not less than 5 participants from the country; - For 2 and 3 place in each Federal districts of Russia in each of subgroups, under condition of not less than 5 participants from Federal districts |
The certificate of the PARTICIPANT: - to all participants who have not borrowed prize-winning places, under condition of carrying out not less than 100 test (confirmed) QSOs. Each participant younger than 20 years will be rewarded the personal certificate, for this purpose it is necessary to specify full Name, Surname and date of birth in the report. Participants who got in DQ (yellow and red cards) will not receive the awards, as well as those who sent reports for check (checklog). All winners and prizewinners will be sent only one award (in jpg format) for the higher of occupied rewarded places by e-mail . |
The Second RUS-WW-MM Contest will be held from 12:00 UTC on 31st October till 11:59 UTC on 1st November, 2015. It is decided to define new subgroups for competitors: MOAB - MIXED (2, 3 or 4 modes), SOAB - MIXED (2, 3 or 4 modes - all ranges), SOHF - MIXED (2, 3 or 4 modes - ranges 20, 15 and 10m), SOLF - MIXED (2, 3 or 4 modes - 160 bands, 80 and 40m), SOAB - BPSK, SOAB - CW, SOAB - RTTY, SOAB - SSB.
Congratulations to all radio amateurs with the New 2015 Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you health, happiness, success and high achievements in amateur radio!
73! - The Council of the Russian Digital Radio Club: