At the end of October, 2015 the results of Russian WW Digital Contest, - the international contest for the Radio HF digital modes BPSK63 and RTTY which took place on 3 and 4 October were announced and published. During the five-day period of receiving the reports to the address of Contest Committee 677 reports have been received from members of 64 regions of Russia and 68 countries of DXCC, among them - 152 RDRC club members. We are pleased to congratulate the winners with a well-deserved achievements and wish all participants of RUS-WW-DIGI 2015 success in the following our competitions. 9 cups and 12 prizes were raffled which were founded by members of the Russian digital amateur radio club. As a result, a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners were determined in Russia and the rest of the world. Together with the results of subgroups, continents, countries and Federal districts and UBN-files, we publish for the first time for each participant a list of confirmed areas CFM OBLAST which can be used in the form of applications for Award "Russia", founded by a free-based Russian Amateur Radio Union.
Cup for winning in SOAB-WORLD is awarded Alexander Nudel, UR7GO - 834 confirmed QSO's and 1.601.456 points. In the subgroup of MOAB-WORLD SP9ZHR team has become the world's first with a modest result of 146 QSOs. On the lower bands in the subgroup SOLF-WORLD Sergey Efimenko, UT3GP won - 449 QSOs and 549.200 points. On the HF bands in the subgroup SOHF-WORLD with the best result was Alessandro Vecchi, IK4ALM - 395 QSOs and 283.920 QSO points. In the subgroup of SOQRP-WORLD Mikael Karlsson, SB0A/qrp has won - 427 QSOs and 470.778 points. In subgroups of single-mode SOAB-BPSK-WORLD - Ljubisa Miletic, YT90IARU took the first place with 493 QSOs and score of 508.376 points. In SOAB-RTTY-WORLD - Andrea Pagnussat, IV3SKB has won with results of 406 QSOs and 420.820 points. In SOSWL-WORLD - Dusan Hanak, OK2-9329 took the first place with 106 confirmed cases.
The personal prize we are pleased to present a team member of City Center Youth and Sports of Rostov Veliky - R3MAI Yaroslav Shutov, and the second award - the youth team of radioclub Tupolev - RK3IXB composed of Marat Malikov, Nicanor Kurin, Alexey Goncharov, Nikita Borisov and Michael Makhaev. In the contest 23 young radiosportsmen were participated in the team R3MAI, RA9I, RK3DXW, RK3DZF, RK3IXB, RK3PWR, RK3VXL, RK4W. Personal certificates will receive all of them.
Cups for winning in the subgroups among the Russian participants will be awarded: in MOAB - team OTSH DOSAAF Russia Tomsk RA9I with a score of 828 QSOs and 1.924.716 points; 1st place in SOAB - Alexander Kuraev, UA9CLR - 587 QSOs and 1.159.908 points; 2nd place in SOAB - Alexander Belov, RN2F - 592 QSOs and 1.033.184 points - this cup we raffled between Russian participants, runner-up in subgroups; in SOHF - Arkady Ivankin, RD0A - 650 QSOs and 885.948 points; in SOLF - Serge Voskoboynikov, R1AY - 507 QSOs and 554.130 points; in SOAB-BPSK - Fuat Galiulin, RA9AEA - 546 QSOs and 790.452 points; in SOAB-RTTY - Vladimir Sharpar, RT3P - 614 QSOs and 608.805 points; in SOSWL - Vasily Konoplyanko, R3D-002-KG - 328 confirmed cases. The prize in the form of a certificate for a free printing 1000 QSL Alexander Penyashev, RA3E/qrp is awarded winner in the subgroup SOQRP 480 QSOs and 524.400 points.
Special prizes are awarded for the best results: in the Far Eastern Federal District - Serge Khairulin, R0QA; in the Crimean District - Mikhail Novikov, R7RIB; in the Volga Federal District - Anatoly Savin, RA4HL; in the North Caucasian Federal District - Victor Meleshko, UA6XES; in the Central Federal District - Alexander Myaus, RV3ZN; in the Southern Federal District - Vladimir Bashtinsky, UA6CE. The prizes for second place in the Northwestern and in the Siberian Federal District are awarded - Alexander Ustavnikov, RA1ALC; Viktor Dmitrienko, UC0A. The prize for the third result in the Ural Federal District Damir Galiulin, RK9AX is awarded.
We have received reports from radio amateurs from 64 regions, territories and republics of Russia. Each Federal District is represented by the following participants: Far Eastern - 9, Crimean - 3, Volga - 42, Northwestern - 24, North Caucasian - 8, Siberian - 23, Ural - 21, Central - 103, Southern - 25. The largest number of callsigns is from the Moscow region (MO) - 23 participants.
There were no red and yellow cards. Due to the small numbers of submitted screenshots, the jury decided not to fine members who were seen signals Q <7. Those who has been fixed for such violations have been sent to email their screenshots signals and issued a verbal warning. The following participants in these contests we will be paid more attention. All the Russian participant from 64 oblast: ALL-RUS-OBL.
Reports for CheckLog have sent 44 participants. We thank them and we remind, that they cannot take part in draw of prizes and receive certificates. We advise in following contests always to be declared in subgroups. We also have published the list of participants which have not sent reports NO LOG, but their callsigns are available in 20 and more received reports. In this list 115 callsigns and these participants have lead in contest at least from 20 up to 243 QSOs.
We will send at least 500 contest Certificates of three kinds - for the winners, the prize-winners and for the rest of the participants, according to the regulations of awarding. Please note: when you view your e-mail, check not only the incoming messages but also spam folders. The cups and prizes will be sent by postal parcels in November to addresses specified in the reports. Information about the sending of certificates and prizes will be published in the theme of the club forum rdrclub.lan23.ru
We thank the Council of Club for assistance and will be glad to see you in good health on 31st October and 1st November, 2015, in second Russian WW MultiMode Contest, as well as in all following contests organized by our club!
73! - RUS-WW-DIGI Contest Committee