Sending of certificates to participants RUS-WW-DIGI 2018:
On October, 25th - MOAB, SOAB-Junior, MOAB-Junior certificates are placed on a Yandex-disk: https://yadi.sk/d/iT0XKcsNP7gByg
Certificates are sent to other participants on email, specified in reports:
- SOAB-Russia
On October, 26th - SOHF-Russia, SOLF-Russia, SOAB-BPSK-Russia and SOAB-RTTY-Russia
On October, 27th - SOAB-Africa, Asia, North America, Oceania, South America, SOAB-Europe with 1 on 20 place
On October, 28th - SOAB-Europe with 21 on 108 place
On October, 29th - SOHF-World, SOLF-World and SOAB-BPSK-World, SOAB-RTTY-World: Africa, Asia, North America, Oceania
On October, 30th - SOAB-RTTY-World: Europe
- SOAB-QRP certificates take away on a Yandex-disk: https://yadi.sk/d/OnnLETeetSfjrQ
After loading, we ask you to inform us on their reception!
On October 25th the results of the 5th international competition Russian WW Digital Contest 2018 for the radio on HF digital modes BPSK63 and RTTY which took place on 6 and 7 October were published. During the five-day period of receiving the reports to the address of Contest Committee 601 reports have been received from participants of 63 regions of Russia and 54 DXCC countries. We are pleased to congratulate the winners with a well-deserved achievements and wish all participants of RUS-WW-DIGI 2018 success in our following competitions. As a result, a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners were determined in Russia and the rest of the world. All results of continents, Federal districts and UBN-files read more: Final results of RUS-WW-DIGI 2018.
In RUS-WW-DIGI 2018 50 young radio amateurs took part, 48 of them in the teams and two in the adult teams of the subgroup MULTI-ONE. Personal certificates will be sent to all of them. In subgroup MOAB-JUNIOR in the Asiatic Russia a victory the team of the Divnogorsk Children's Creativity House RK0AZC - 480 CFM QSO and 713.634 points; 1 place in the European Russia at a teams of high school of item Spitsinsky RK3PWR - 608 CFM QSO and 791.820 points; the best result among foreign participants at a teams of the Croatian radio club "Vidova Gora" 9A7B - 224 CFM QSO and 160.160 points.
In the fifth RUS-WW-DIGI 2018 many participants have achieved high results. Out of competition a team from a Volzhsk UA4S - 1017 CFM QSO and 1.926.144 points. Absolutely best result among all participants in individual subgroups at Vladimir Shcherbakov RA3Y - 767 CFM QSO and 1.270.326 points. Among foreign participants we shall note Victor Pino UY5VA achievement - 638 CFM QSO and 1.080.378 points.
Certificates gallery - cliques on a picture:
Certificates for all teams in MULTI-ONE subgroups and all young participants are already made. You can load them on a Yandex-disk: https://yadi.sk/d/iT0XKcsNP7gByg
After loading, we ask you to inform us on their reception!
We will send other participants by to email's at least 500 contest Certificates of three kinds - for the winners, the prize-winners and for the rest of the participants, according to the regulations of awarding. Please note: when you view your e-mail, check not only the incoming messages but also spam folders. The prizes will be sent by postal parcels to addresses specified in the reports. Information about the sending of certificates and prizes will be published in the theme of the Club Forum rdrclub.lan23.ru
Samples of certificates and prizes photos, see page: Gallery RDRC awards.
We thank the Council of Club for their help in organizing the contest and we will be glad to see you in good health on other contests, as well as in all subsequent events organized by our club!
73! - Contest Committee of Russian Digital Radio Club
After loading, we ask you to inform us on their reception!
We will send other participants by to email's at least 500 contest Certificates of three kinds - for the winners, the prize-winners and for the rest of the participants, according to the regulations of awarding. Please note: when you view your e-mail, check not only the incoming messages but also spam folders. The prizes will be sent by postal parcels to addresses specified in the reports. Information about the sending of certificates and prizes will be published in the theme of the Club Forum rdrclub.lan23.ru
Samples of certificates and prizes photos, see page: Gallery RDRC awards.
We thank the Council of Club for their help in organizing the contest and we will be glad to see you in good health on other contests, as well as in all subsequent events organized by our club!
73! - Contest Committee of Russian Digital Radio Club