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15 prizes of RUS-WW-MM and RUS-WW-DIGI 2017

Обновлено: 05 Ноябрь 2019
Просмотров: 2746
ruseng15 prizes of RUS-WW-MM and RUS-WW-DIGI 2017
The Russian Digital Radio Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the 4th Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2017: 30 September and 1 October and in the 4th Russian WW Digital Contest 2017: 7-8 October. 15 prizes are founded, one of which - portable two-band radio station Baoefeng UV-5R - will be drawn in a lottery among the participants from Russia. We thank members of RDRC who have taken part in formation of prize-winning fund. In two contests following awards are founded:

The Council of the Russian Digital Radio Club has established 9 prizes in RUS-WW-MM 2017:
• MULTI-ONE MIXED - a prize for the best result by the number of multipliers (Russias regions + world countries) among the participants of the subgroups World + European Russia + Asiatic Russia.
• SINGLE-OP ALL MIXED - a prize for the best result by the number of multipliers (Russias regions + world countries) among the participants of the subgroups World + European Russia + Asiatic Russia.
• ALL SUBGROUPS – one prize in memory of participation in the 4th RUS-WW-MM. The prize will be drawn in a lottery among the participants of all subgroups who took 4th place in the World, European Russia and Asiatic Russia;
«Youth marathon»: MULTI-ONE MIXED and SINGLE-OP ALL MIXED - 6 special prizes are provided for the 1st places in World (under the condition that it will be announced at least 3 teams in MO and 3 participants in SO), European Russia, Asiatic Russia in MO and SO subgroups as well.

The Council of the Russian Digital Radio Club has established 5 prizes in RUS-WW-DIGI 2017:
• MULTI-ONE - a prize for the best result by the number of multipliers (Russias regions + world countries) among the participants of the subgroups World + European Russia + Asiatic Russia.
• SINGLE-OP ALL - a prize for the best result by the number of multipliers (Russias regions + world countries) among the participants of the subgroups World + European Russia + Asiatic Russia.
• ALL SUBGROUPS – one prize in memory of participation in the 4th RUS-WW-DIGI. The prize will be drawn in a lottery among the participants of all subgroups who took 4th place in the World, European Russia and Asiatic Russia;
«Youth sprint»: MULTI-ONE JUNIOR  and SINGLE-OP ALL JUNIOR - 2 special prizes are provided for the 1st places in subgroups at any quantity of participants.

Certificates RUS-WW-MM and RUS-WW-DIGI 2017 to all participants (except for CheckLog) under condition of carrying out not less than 70% confirmed QSOs.