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News about the results of 22nd Russian WW PSK Contest 2024

Просмотров: 383
Final results Russian WW PSK Contest 2024 ruseng
On March 31st the results of Russian WW PSK Contest 2024 are published - the international competition in a radio communication in BPSK31,63,125 modes which were held on February, 17-18. During the five days period of receiving the 271 reports have been received from members of 53 regions of Russia and 27 countries of DXCC. We congratulate the winners and prize-winners of the well-deserved achievements and wish all the participants the following success in our next competitions. In result of a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners in Asiatic and European Russia and the rest of the world were determined: Results of RUS-WW-PSK 2024.

The best results among the teams of the Kerch DOSAAF Radio Club UA6KAC 279 QSO 118547 points and the team of Rybnitsa ER3KAZ 275 QSO and 184950 points. Absolutely the best results among the participants in the individual competitions were shown: Victor Locker RA9AU 621 QSO 875706 points, Pavel Goncharov UA6Y 715 QSO 543555 points and Ilcho Andonov LZ3QE 533 QSO 396032 points.

Samples of certificates: Awards and certificates gallery of RDRC.

We thank the club members of RDRC for active assistance and will be glad to see you in good health in all following Contests organized by our club!